Stinky Pants Fishing

The friends we make along the way

Capt. Wayne Davis stopped by the shop today, and I was able to get a picture of him holding his old stringer that I now have hanging on the wall of the shop. The back story goes like this. About 12 years ago in the early days of Stinky, I was fishing a shrimptail I had. I love those lures, but couldn’t find them. So I decided to look them up, which led me to Wayne and KWigglers. I met up with him, and we traded out some gear. Wayne fished that stringer hard and told me he was determined to wear it out. After about 8 years, he finally decided it was ready for retirement. While the stringer is still functional, it is hardly recognizable from the burnt orange it once was. It was fun to catch up, swap old stories, and see how far the 2 companies have come over the years when we first met. Capt. Wayne put KWigglers on the map as one of the best known soft plastic companies in Texas available at both big box and small mom and pop tackle shops along the gulf coast. Along with becoming a big name guide in Port Mansfield for trophy trout and snook, Capt. Wayne is now heading up the conservationist approach with the Empty Stringer Challenge and Texas Women Anglers. While a lot has changed, Wayne is still the same humble man I met 12 years ago quietly going about his business.

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